quinta-feira, setembro 14, 2017

Dead Rising 4: Trainer (+12) [1.01: Steam] {MrAntiFun}

Trainer options: F1 - Infinite Health F2 - Infinite Stamina F3 - Infinite Cash F4 - Infinite Ammo / No Reload F5 - Infinite Grenades F6 - Infinite Weapon Durability F7 - Mega Prestige Points F8 - Infinite Skill Points F9 - Infinite Car Health F10 - Inf.Frank DLC Timer F11 - Inf.Exo Suit Energy F12 - Reset Exo Suit Energy Notice: You cant use both Inf.Exo energy and Rest Exo energy at the same time. Short Documentaries

File Size: 4.34 Mb



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